Monday, August 3, 2009

Black Cumin Seed Essential Oil

Black Cumin Seed Essential Oil

Country Of Origin: Egypt

Nigella sativa essential oil

Other Names: Love in the Mist essential oil, Fitch essential oil, Kalonji essential oil, Onion Seed essential oil, Black Caraway essential oil, Hei zhong cao essential oil, Fennel Flower essential oil, Black Sesame Seed essential oil, Black Seed Essential Oil.

Interesting Facts: Although black seed oil is not mentioned in the common Bible translations, there is good evidence that an obscure plant name (fitch) mentioned in the Old Testament means black cumin; if true, this would indicate that black cumin is cultivated since far more than two millennia. Today, the plant is cultivated from Egypt to India.
For me the common name "love in the mist" aptly describes the poetry of this exquisite plant. In the garden, one easily imagines etheric spirits flitting about amongst its evanescent bluish-white blossoms. Even the seedpods, which are so often used in dried flower arrangements, suggest an otherworldly sense of exotic enchantment. Is it possible that such a delicately beautiful herb, with such potent medicinal properties would be so hardy as to easily reseed itself in our gardens year after year?
With an exalted position of use throughout the Middle East and to a somewhat lesser extent in India and other Eastern lands, the information about Black Seed Oil I owe to herbalist, plant-scientist extraordinaire, Jim Duke as presented in his book Medicinal Plants of the Bible. In it he describes Black Cumin as a Muslim Miracle Herb which, according to an Arab Proverb it is said that, 'in the black seed is the medicine for every disease except death.'
In Turkey the black cumin seeds are widely cultivated and traded in ton lots throughout the Middle East, Northern Africa and India. The black cumin seeds are used both as a condiment in bread and cakes and various confections and like pepper or combined with pepper such as cayenne in sauces. The Ethiopians add along with other spices to flavor local alcoholic beverages. Still another use is to sprinkle them with woolen garments as a moth repellant.

Use: Black Seed Oil has been used as a digestive aid, an effective medicine for colds, headaches, toothaches, and infections. Because of Black Seed Oil's complex chemical structure (more than one hundred active ingredients) Black cumin essential oil has positive effects on the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, immune, and urinary systems. Recent research has verified claims that Black Seed Oil strengthens and stabilizes the immune system and is effective in the treatment of asthma, allergies, and other immune disorders as well as numerous skin conditions ranging from acne to psoriasis. Black Seed Oil has helped with bronchial spasm, spasmodic coughs, muscle pain, osteo-arthritis, rheumatism, accumulation of fluid or toxins, poor circulation, lymphatic congestion, mumps, glandular swelling, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, colitis, colic, indigestion, constipation, frigidity, debility, migraine, tiredness, nervous exhaustion, insomnia, and lethargy. Black Seed Oil may be useful in hepatitis, hypothyroidism, normalizing menstrual cycles, and testicular inflammation.

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