Friday, July 24, 2009

Birch Bark Or Birch Oil

Birch Bark oil is one of my very favorites and the reason I got involved in therapeutic essential oils. I used to work at a retail location and while lifting a box I strained my back. I was told by the doctor that I would likely need surgery to go back to work. This was not really an option for me so I tried physical therapy. my back got a little better but not good enough that I could continue working. I tried a chiropractor and that helped a bit but I got horrible headaches after every visit and it was extremely expensive. I still was not well enough to return to my full duties at as a retail manager. Then one day my mom told me she wanted me to try something. She gave me a bottle of birch oil and a bottle of peppermint oil she told me to use a carrier oil and use about 5 drops of each of the oils and massage it into my back then once it had been worked in well to put a hot compress towel on the oils and to leave it there until it was so hot that I could no longer stand the heat. I tried it that evening. The next morning I was amazed at the results. I was fully able to move. I did it again the next night and went back to work that following day. I still get a sore back every once in a while but all it takes is a few minutes and a nice massage from my wife and I am good to go again for another couple of months. I worked in retail for 6 years after that and have never had a problem with my back again. I will post more on this miraculous oil in the future.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot Oil

A fresh smelling therapeutic essential oil has been a favorite in aromatherapy and is great for creating a relaxed and happy feeling. It is known to help in relieving urinary tract infections, improving liver, spleen and stomach, funtion while fighting acne, psoriasis, eczema, as well as cold sores.

Oil properties
The scent of the oil is citrus, fruity and sweet, with a warm spicy floral quality. It is reminiscent of neroli or orange blosom as well as lavender oil. The color varies from green to greenish-yellow and the oil has a watery consistancy.

Origin of bergamot oil
The tree is native to South East Asia, but was introduced to Europe, and particularly Italy and is also found in the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria.
Bergamot oil is made from a tree that can grow up to four meters high, with star-shaped flowers and smooth leaves, bearing citrus fruit resembling a cross between an orange and a grapefruit, but in a pear-shape. The fruit ripens from green to yellow.
The oil is one of the most widely used in the perfumery and toiletry industry and forms, together with neroli and lavender, the main ingredient for the classical 4711 Eau-de-cologne fragrance. It is used to flavor Earl Grey tea.
The name is derived from the city Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, where the oil was first sold.

The rind of both ripe and unripe fruit is used to extract the oil by expression, which yields about 0.5 %.

Chemical composition
The essential oil is composed of various chemical constituents and includes a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, a-bergaptene, b-bisabolene, linalool, linalyl acetate, nerol, neryl acetate, geraniol, geraniol acetate and a-terpineol.

Bergamot oil can cause burns when used on a sensitive skin which is then exposed to sunlight, as the high content of bergaptene can cause photo-toxicity. It is advisable to keep out of the sun if this oil is used on the skin.
Even when the ingredient Bergaptene (Furocoumarin) is removed from the oil and photo toxicity is therefore minimized, it is still advisable to keep treated skin out of the sun, and to use it in concentrations of less than 1 %.

Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of bergamot oil include analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic, stomachic, calmative, cicatrisant, deodorant, digestive, febrifuge, vermifuge and vulnerary.

Bergamot oil can be used in the treatment of depression, stress, tension, fear, hysteria, infection (all types including skin), anorexia, psoriasis, eczema and general convalescence.

When you are looking for an oil to help with depression, SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) or generally feeling just a bit off, lacking in self-confidence or feeling shy, then consider bergamot oil. It also has superb antiseptic qualities that are useful for skin complaints, such as acne, oily skin conditions, eczema and psoriasis and can also be used on cold sores, chicken pox and wounds.
It has a powerful effect on stimulating the liver, stomach and spleen and has a superb antiseptic effect on urinary tract infections and inflammations such as cystitis.
Burners and vaporizers
In vapor therapy, bergamot oil can be used for depression, feeling fed-up, respiratory problems, colds and flu, PMS and SAD.
Blended massage oil or in the bath
It can be used in a blended massage oil, or diluted in a bath to assist with stress, tension, SAD, PMS, skin problems, compulsive eating, postnatal depression, colds and flu, anxiety, depression, feeling fed-up and anorexia nervosa.
Blended in base cream
As a constituent in a blended base cream bergamot oil can be used for wounds and cuts, psoriasis, oily skin, scabies, eczema, acne, cold sores as well as chicken pox.
Bergamot blends well with
Although essential oils blend well with one another, bergamot oil goes particularly well with other essential oils such as black pepper, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, mandarin, nutmeg, orange, rosemary, sandalwood, vetiver and ylang-ylang.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bay Leaf Oil

Bay Leaf
Laurus nobilis
Fam: Lauraceae

The bay tree is indigenous to Asia it spread to the Mediterranean and then to other countries with similar climates. According to the legend the Delphi oracle chewed on bay leaves, or inhaled the smoke of burning leaves to promote her visionary trances. Bay, or laurel,was used in rome by Emperors, heroes and poets who wore wreaths of laurel leaves. The Greek word for laurel is dhafni, named for the myth of the nymph Daphne, who was changed into a laurel tree by Gaea, who transformed her to help her escape Apollo’s attempted rape. Apollo made the tree sacred and thus it became a symbol of honour. Triumphant athletes of ancient Greece were awarded laurel garlands a tradition that continues today.

Attributed Medicinal Properties
In the Middle Ages it was believed to induce abortions and to have many magical qualities. It was once used to keep moths away, owing to the leafs lauric acid content which gives it insecticidal properties. Bay leaf has many properties which make it useful for treating high blood sugar, migraine headaches, bacterial and fungal infections, and gastric ulcers. Bay leaves and berries have been used for their astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emetic and stomachic properties. Bay Oil, or Oil of Bays (Oleum Lauri) is used in liniments for bruising and sprains. Bay leaf has been used as an herbal remedy for headaches. It contains compounds called parthenolides, which have proven useful in the treatment of migraines. Bay leaf has also been shown to help the body process insulin more efficiently, which leads to lower blood sugar levels.It has also been used to reduce the effects of stomach ulcers. Bay Leaf contains eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Bay leaf is also an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Bay Leaf has also been used to treat rheumatism, amenorrhea, and colic.

Culinary Uses
Bay leaves are widely used throughout the world. It may be best known in bouquets garnis or used similarly in soups, sauces, stews, daubes and courts-bouillon’s, an appropriate seasoning for fish, meat and poultry. Bay leaf is often included as a pickling spice.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Balsam Oil

Balsam Oil
Country Of Origin: Peru

once used in the preperation of isrelite kings

Interesting Facts: The process of extraction produces three grades of balsam. A white balsam is made from the fruit of Myroxylon Peruviatta or Pereiræ, which has a peculiar resinous body and none of the chemical constituents of Balsam of Peru; this is termed Myroxocarpin. Another substance obtained from the same tree and much used in Central America is termed Balsamito, it is an alcoholic extract of the young fruit.

Medicinal Use: Balsam oil is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiseptic (pulmonary and urinary), anti-catarrh, cicatrizant - promotes epithelial cell growth (epithelium: cellular tissue covering surfaces, forming glands, and lining most cavities of the body), diuretic, expectorant, and a stimulant. Balsam oil is beneficial for dry, chapped skin (use on skin diluted in carrier oil), eczema, rashes (diaper), cracked nipples, sores, wounds, parasites (ringworm, itch mite, and eggs), scabies, fungus, chronic asthma, bronchitis (chronic and asthmatic), coughs, and tuberculosis. Lessens mucus secretions and assists rheumatism pain. Balsam oil stimulates the heart and increases blood pressure. Balsam oil helps with flu, colds, viral infections, cystitis (coli-bacillus), stress, and nervous tension.

Balsam oil has been found effective for scabies in dogs and cats by brushing it on the fur.

Monday, July 20, 2009

More uses for essential oils around the home

make your own surface cleaner.
you can create you own cleaner that will smell great and work as well as any store bought cleaner. just use a sray bottle full of water with a squirt of dish soap uncented and your favorite essential oil. some favorites may be Lemon Pine or spruce and lavander.

Hardwood Floors.
Add to a bucket of water a quater cup of white vinagerthen five to ten drops of your favorite oil.

add 16-20 drops of your favorite oil to a cup of baking powder mix well cover and let sit 24 hours or until dry then sprinke generously on carpet and vacuum. You can also saturate a cloth with several drops of oil and place it in the cannister or bag of your vacuume this will difuse the oil into the air and the carpet refreshing and clensing both.

to prevent ants use a few drops of pepermint in the window sills and dorways
a few drops of camphor lemongrass or citronella in linens acts like mothballs when placed on a cottonball and tied in a handkerchief and hung in the storage area in preventing moth infestations.

a couple of drops each of lavander and chamomile on your childrens pillows will aid in a restfull night for both you and your children

even more to come