Friday, July 10, 2009
Benifits of Therapeutic Essential Oils

Thursday, July 9, 2009
List of Therapeutic Essential Oils
Ajowan Seed
is known as Indian Thyme and is anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-nausea, and a tonic.
Angelica Root
has been praised for its virtues since antiquity. Assists in strengthening the heart, stimulates circulation and the immune system.
Anise Seed
has been widely used as a domestic spice. May assist in colic, indigestion, cramps
is also known as Sweet Annie and Annual Wormwood. Beneficial for respiratory congestion and infection.
is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiseptic (pulmonary and urinary).
has been known to help when used for intestinal problems, respiratory ailments, repairing connective tissue
Bay Leaf
has been helpful for dyspepsia, flatulence, flu, viral infections, and loss of appetite. The properties are digestive, stomachic, antiseptic, diuretic, and fungicidal.
has been helpful for acne, boils, cold sores, herpes infections, alleviating pain of shingles and chickenpox, oily complexion
Birch Bark
is often thought of as Wintergreen due to its smell. May benefit muscle and joint discomfort, accumulation of toxins, arthritis
Black Cumin
The Prophet Mohamed stated that Black Cumin could cure all disease except death
Black Pepper
May assist stimulating endocrine system, energy, pain, infections, fevers, muscle spasms, improving digestion, constipation
Blue Tansy
is beneficial for bruises, asthma, sprains, hypertension, fever, intestinal worms, nervous tension, stress
is held in high regard in the Middle East. It is used locally for colds, headaches, throat infections, toothache
This oil has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for over 3000 years - especially for pulmonary disease.
Carrot Seed
is beneficial in controlling odors and in respiratory infections. May be antiseptic, calming, and a diuretic.
is beneficial in controlling odors and in respiratory infections. May be antiseptic, calming, and a diuretic.
Celery Seed
May assist in decreasing puffiness, redness, water-logged skin, skin stains, and spots
Excellent for acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, dry itchy skin, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis...
Cinnamon Bark
Assists circulation, lowers glucose, and strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems.
This oil has been used for its medicinal value in many cultures for fever, intestinal parasites...
Clary Sage
It has been known to be beneficial in regulating cells, hormonal imbalance, menopause problems, PMS...
Clove Bud
May assist the respiratory system. Helps with toothache, pain, sore throat (2 drops in 1/2 c. water & gargle)
Beneficial for stretch marks and scars, arthritis, gout, muscle aches and pains, rheumatism
Appears to be an anti-oxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and a thyroid stimulant.
Dill Seed
May lower glucose levels by normalizing insulin levels and supporting pancreatic function.
Traditionally the gum was used by the Egyptians for the embalming process.
Beneficial for sinus problems, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sore throat and mouth infections.
Fennel Seed
supports the digestive function and assist the liver in producing the enzymes.
Fir Needle
Beneficial for acute chronic bronchitis, chills, coughs, sinusitis, arthritis, muscular aches and pain
The India frankincense is used in the Ayurvedic medicine. Beneficial for anti-catarrhal, anti-tumoral, anti-depressant, tension
A favorite oil of Moses. Has been beneficial for abscesses, acne, boils, cuts, anti-viral, anti-microbia
It has been beneficial for acne, burns, bruises, broken capillaries, aids oily skin (balances all gland secretion), congested and mature skin
Ginger Root
Beneficial for bruises, sores, carbuncles, regulates moisture, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, congestion, cough, sinusitis, sore throat
Used internally for digestive complaints, stimulates gallbladder, liver tonic, useful in anorexia and bulimia
Holy Basil
It is capable of rejuvenating the system quickly. It is anti-allergic, antispasmodic, anti-infections, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial.
It is one of the bitter herbs mentioned in the Bible used to purify the temple. It is a symbol of spiritual cleansing.
This oil comes from the jasmine that blooms during the day and is considered the fun loving fragrance
Juniper Berry
Has helped in detoxifying and cleaning, dermatitis, psoriasis (any kind of skin inflammation), skin ulcers, oily complexions.
eBeneficial for skin conditions, anti-spasmodic, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, acne, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia
Assists with digestive problems, cleansing of the lymphatic system, mouth ulcers, herpes, stimulating to the brain, clears thought
Stimulates digestion and liver, regulating the para-sympathetic system, strengthening vascular walls, regenerating connective tissue
The fruit is often used indiscriminately in place of lemon with which it shares many qualities.
Litsea Cubeba
Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, anti-infectious, blemishes, excessively oily skin and hair.
The French regarded it as a safe remedy for children and the elderly. It is beneficial for indigestion, hiccups, and strengthening the liver.
Has been known to help the respiratory system, anti-spasmodic, augmenting intestinal peristalsis, expectorant, digestive stimulant
Melaleuca Quinquinervera OR True Niaouli as it is sometimes called is hard to find because it is often adulterated with other oils.
It is very soothing, relieves tension, and is, with rose and neroli, one of the major oils of the heart energy center
Mt. Savory
Known to be effective against catarrh, fungus, infections. Been used as a general tonic for the body.
Beneficial for anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, hyper-thyroidism.
Benefits respiratory problems, smoker's cough, bronchitis, flu, colds, tuberculosis, sinus infection, uterine infection, skin antiseptic, deodorizing, and aids all pulmonary disorders.
Appears stomachic, and parasiticide. Helpful with bronco-pulmonary congestion, mucus, digestive upsets, scabies, and scanty periods. May induce menstruation so avoid during pregnancy.
It has been used by the Egyptian people for healing the mind, body and spirit. It brings everything into focus at the moment.
May have adrenal cortex-like activity (supporting adrenal - increasing energy). Beneficial for fainting
It has been used by the Egyptian people for healing the mind, body and spirit. It brings everything into focus at the moment.
Is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-infectious, analgesic, laxative, tonic, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, immune-stimulant
Beneficial for skin problems, wrinkles, acne, candida, rashes, scaly and flaky skin, etc, (re-establishes the physiological balance of the skin, immediate calming and refreshing action).
It is anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, fungal infections (athlete's foot, jock itch, candida). Helps with fevers, weight loss
It is an excellent essential oil for lung congestion and pain from infection, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and bronchial tract infections.
Benefits the respiratory system, opens the sensory system, for stimulation, strengthening, shock, fever, headache, migraine, antiseptic, throat infection
Petitgrain Bigarade
The leaves from the bitter orange tree. It brings a positive energy and promotes optimism.
Pine Needles
Pine oil is one of the most useful and safest therapeutically. The American Indians used it to prevent scurvy, and to stuff mattresses to repel lice and fleas.
This oil is referred to as "the oil that heals" in Madagascar. Another universal oil like Lavender. May be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
Rose oil has an extraordinarily complex chemistry, with over 300 known constituents. It enhances the frequency of every cell
Because the leaves are used in distilling this Rosemary it contains more cineole. It is anti-catarrh, anti-multiple sclerosis
Is considered to be anti-infectious, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic.
The wild sage is milder than the cultivated sage making it more beneficial for children. In Europe it has been recognized for its benefits of strengthening the vital center
Beneficial as an anti-depressant, antiseptic (urinary and pulmonary), anti-spasmodic, astringent, bactericidal, emollient, expectorant, fungicidal, sedative (nervous), infectious wounds
Benefits all respiratory problems (especially mucopurulent), refreshing to muscles, nervous, and glandular systems.
Anti-microbial, antiseptic, antitussive, astringent, anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and, nervine.
Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-microbial, parasiticide (roundworms), stomachic, and sedative.
Support the lymphatic, digestive and nervous systems. A chemical found in tangerine is very effective in shrinking tumors (apply over area).
Assists neuromuscular problems, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous, anti-spasmodic, muscular spasms and tendency to spasm, anti-infectious, anti-viral, anti-bacterial.
Tea Tree
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-viral, major anti-infectious (staph and strap), bactericidal, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and insecticide.
Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-viral. May work as a neurotonic and cardiotonic.
Valerian Root
Has been highly esteemed since medieval times and use to be called "all heal".
Vitex Berry
This oil has traditionally been used for female hormonal problems, assisting to resume halted menstrual bleeding, stopping cramps and depression, relieving breast pains and swelling.WintergreenBeneficial for muscle and joint discomfort, arthritis, cellulite, obesity, edema, poor circulation, headaches
An age-old herbal medicine used for complaints including fever, respiratory infections, digestive problems, nervous tension, sores, severe rashes and wounds.
Ylang Ylang
It is calming, relaxing, and soothing to nervous system, anti-spasmodic. Assists in balancing the equilibrium and heart function, high blood pressure, palpitations
This is a pretty comprehensive list, but if I have left any off please let me know I will try and add them in
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Methods of Application
Direct Application: When using natural products, only your body knows how it is going to respond. Essential oils are soluble with the lipids in the skin and in most cases easily penetrate it and are absorbed into the bloodstream. They may be worn like perfume or cologne and can be applied neat (full-strength) or diluted using carrier mixing oil. As a rule, since essential oils are one of nature's most concentrated and potent extracts, dilution is strongly recommended for those who;
- are first time users
- have sensitive and fair skin
- are applying them to sensitive areas of the body
- are trying a new oil or blend of oils
- are infants or children
If one oil is layered over another, allow enough time between applications to gauge the body's reaction before applying the next oil.
Recommended Dilution: Use 1 to 3 drops of an essential oil blended with 1/2 teaspoon of carrier mixing Oil. Any pure vegetable oil may be used. More or less dilution might be desirable, depending on skin sensitivity, type of oil used and the degree of effect desired. Take a careful, measured approach when using any essential oil and adjust both the quantity of oil used and the amount of dilution in accordance with the body's responses.
Feet: Applying 4-6 drops of oil to the bottom of each foot is a popular way to begin. Oil may be rubbed on the VitaFlex points of the foot - a technique explained in Aromatherapy, the Essential Beginning by D. Gary Young.
On Location: After applying the oils to the bottom of the feet, you may want to go to another location. Just add a few drops (1-5) of Essential Oils diluted with 1/2 tsp. of Mixing Oil when necessary, and rub on the location. If you are using oils for the first time, wait at least 15 to 30 minutes before using a second oil, allowing the body time to respond to the initial application.
Layering: If using more than one oil, simply apply each oil separately, allowing enough time between each application to gauge the body's responses. This was the method traditionally used by ISIS and the ancient Egyptians.
Compress: Rub 1- 3 drops over location (diluted or undiluted, depending on the oil) and cover with a hot, wet towel. Place a dry towel over the wet one and leave on for 10-60 minutes. As the oil penetrates, you may experience a sensation of warmth or feel a slight burning. if so, dilute this area with Mixing Oil immediately. Discoloration of the cloth used might appear due to the body's excretion of toxins.
Massage: Several drops (5-10) of Essential Oilsl may be added to any massage oil base.
Bathing:When adding Essential Oils to bathwater, use a Bath Gel Base as a dispersing agent.
Diffusing and Inhalation: An aromic diffuser is a wonderful way to disperse Essential Oils into the air for inhalation. A difuser is designed to disperse a super-fine mist of Essential Oils throughout the air. University research indicates that Essential Oils can counteract offensive odors while refreshing the air with a natural fragrance. Fragrances can help induce a sensation of well being, creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Put enough drops (30-40) into the diffuser well to send the fragrant mist up the nebulizer.
Direct Inhalation:Put several drops of Essential Oils into the cupped palms of your hands and breathe in deeply.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Therapeutic Essential Oils Do's and Don'ts

Oil Essentials
Therapeutic Essential Oils Do's and Don'ts
Always have bottle of carrier oil with you like Jojoba Oil Fractionated Coconut Oil or Pure Vegitable Oil
Test each new oil on a sensitive piece of skin before using
Keep oils away from your eyes and out of your ears
Use on infants under 30 months.
use on pregnant women without the consent of you physician.
Use if you have high blood preasure without the consent of your Physician.
use in the case of Epelepsy witout the consent of a physician.
use oils on skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight within 24 hours.
handel contact lenses after using oils.
use undiluted oils in bathwater.
Monday, July 6, 2009
what are essential oil and what are they for
The early Egyptians are well renowned for their incredible use of Therapeutic Essential Oils and spices in embalming. Oils like myrrh, cedarwood, cypress and spikenard were used. Essential Oils noted for their fragrant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. The preparation of the therapeutic Essential Oils was highly important. there were rooms set aside for this purpose in each of the Egyptian temples. the Therapeutic oils were then used as offerings to the gods. The Pharaoh and his family had complete formulas drawn up for the different perfumes they required.
The Greeks used various Essential Oils, spices, perfumes and incense. The temple priestesses burned bay leaves to induce a trance like state in which they were allegedly able to discern the future.
The Romans are equally well-known as the Egyptians in their use of therapeutic Essential Oils and other aromatic spices. Bathing was an important ritual where first the body was cleansed and then massaged with perfumed oils. The sense of smell and use of Essential oil was so highly valued that Nero as guests would visit would have them sprayed with particular esential oils to enhance their mood in the direction of his choice.
The Chinese classified oils into six categories: Luxurious, Tranquil, Reclusive, Beautiful, Noble, and Refined Using their individual properties for reference.
The Japanese created special schools to teach and develop the art of perfumery, or Kodo, which still exist today. Geisha in Early Japan would use specific Therapeutic Essential Oils to create the moods they wanted from their clients.
During the 14th century, the Bubonic Plague devastated most of England and Europe. Physicians would wear protective clothing filled with various spices, including cinnamon and cloves. They carried pomanders and wore garlic around their necks to protect themselves from the disease. They may very well have succeeded for garlic, cinnamon and cloves are renowned today for their antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the art of perfuming widened to include putting plant essences to darker uses. Catherine dé Medici took her perfumer with her when she married the king of France. He was skilled in the making of lethally poisoned yet fragrant gloves, which she sent to her enemies in her efforts to foil intrigues against her.
By the 19th century, synthetic drugs came onto the scene and the use of medicinal Therapeutic Essential Oils declined.
Now we have seen a return to the use of medicinal oils and Science is able to back up many of the claims made through the centuries of Therapeutic Essential Oils. While it is interesting to know the HISTORY OF AROMATHERAPY, what matters most is how you educate yourself. Learn the properties and uses of the oils before using and find what works best for you.