make your own surface cleaner.
you can create you own cleaner that will smell great and work as well as any store bought cleaner. just use a sray bottle full of water with a squirt of dish soap uncented and your favorite essential oil. some favorites may be Lemon Pine or spruce and lavander.
Hardwood Floors.
Add to a bucket of water a quater cup of white vinagerthen five to ten drops of your favorite oil.
add 16-20 drops of your favorite oil to a cup of baking powder mix well cover and let sit 24 hours or until dry then sprinke generously on carpet and vacuum. You can also saturate a cloth with several drops of oil and place it in the cannister or bag of your vacuume this will difuse the oil into the air and the carpet refreshing and clensing both.
to prevent ants use a few drops of pepermint in the window sills and dorways
a few drops of camphor lemongrass or citronella in linens acts like mothballs when placed on a cottonball and tied in a handkerchief and hung in the storage area in preventing moth infestations.
a couple of drops each of lavander and chamomile on your childrens pillows will aid in a restfull night for both you and your children
even more to come
I liked your little tip for the ants, they always find a way inside to get the tiniest little piece of carrot you leave on the countertop and I hate to use poison. =]