Friday, December 18, 2009

Therapeutic Essential Oils have been around since before the time of Christ in fact the three wise men brought the baby Jesus gifts of Gold Frankincense and myrrh and what wise gifts these were the baby Jesus would need protection from sickness and Frankincense does just this. In fact as I have gone through this year each morning I rub a drop of Frankincense onto my feet and I have been exposed to the Swine flu Bronchitis and pneumonia and many other things and have not felt a single effect. I hope that you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year and may you stay healthy throughout the year to come.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Cedarwood Essential Oil

True cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil is extracted from the Atlas Cedarwood tree and should not be confused with Texas (Juniperus ashei) or Virginian (Juniperus virginiana) Cedarwood, which are commonly sold in the USA and often under the general term cedarwood. There are also several other trees which yield 'cedarwood' oil; Atlas Cedarwood oil is the preferred oil of today's aromatherapist.
Identification of Atlas Cedarwood
The Atlas Cedarwood tree is of the plant family Abietaceae; it is native to the Atlas mountains of Algeria, hence its name. The Atlas Cedarwood tree is an evergreen tree which grows up to 131 feet in height; it is shaped like a pyramid, has oval cones and gray-green needles. The wood of the Atlas Cedarwood is very aromatic and it is from the wood that the essential oil is extracted and distilled; Atlas cedarwood essential oil is produced in Morocco and Lebanon.
Historical Use Of the Atlas Cedarwood
The ancient Egyptians used cedarwood oil to embalm, for perfumery and in cosmetics; the ancient Greeks also used cedarwood oil to preserve bodies as they believed it helped to make one immortal. It is thought that the Lebanon Cedar tree may have been the original cedarwood tree which was used for cedarwood oil in ancient times, as its fragrance was useful as an insect, ant and moth repellent; it was also used greatly as a building material source.
In the Far East, cedarwood oil was used as a preservative too, in addition as a remedy for treating urinary tract and bronchial infections; cedarwood was also used as an incense. The Tibetans used it in traditional medicine and as an incense in temples, of which it is still used today.
Use of Cedarwood in Aromatherapy
Cedarwood essential oil is antiseptic, astringent, anti-bacterial, a stimulant to the skin and circulatory system, sedative and an aphrodisiac. In aromatherapy, it is useful in the treatment of eczema, dry skin, dandruff, fluid retention, nervous tension, arthritis, rheumatism, cystitis and asthma. Cedarwood also has some other uses.
Other Uses of Cedarwood
Cedarwood is commonly found in men's fragrances and aftershaves, where it is used for its antiseptic and astringent properties; it is also used in cosmetics, soaps, perfumes and detergents. Cedarwood is frequently used in meditation and is capable of balancing the mind and relieving anxiety; it has strong spiritual connections. Cedarwood essential oil can be used as an alternative to the more expensive sandalwood essential oil, as it possesses similar properties.
Cautions for Using Cedarwood Essential Oil
Cedarwood essential oil should not be used in pregnancy or with young children, due to its toxicity; in France, cedarwood essential oil use is restricted, due to its abortive and neuro toxic abilities. Do not confuse Atlas Cedarwood essential oil with Texas or Virginian Cedarwood as the oils are chemically different. Used with care, Cedarwood can be of great use but, as is the case when using any essential oil, professional advice should be sought, if unfamiliar in the use of essential oils
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Carrot Seed Essential Oil is steam distilled from the seeds of Wild Carrot - aka Queen Anne's Lace - considered by some to be a 'common roadside weed'! The oil has a wonderful, unique woody/ herbaceous and mildly sweet aroma, and a light, fluid consistency. This middle note combines well with frankincense, geranium, citrus and spice oils. This is a particularly nice, complex carrot seed oil that would lend itself well to natural perfumery.
The oil is often employed orally for regeneration of liver tissue. One drop taken daily is the recommended protocol; this may be particularly useful during a period of dietary restriction as part of an overall liver cleansing program. In 'Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche', Peter Damian notes: "Diuretic and hepatic, carrot seed operates as a kidney and liver cleanser, particularly indicated for jaundice and hepatitis. Its detoxifying properties are likewise effective for treating arthritis and rheumatism."
Carrot seed is a premier skin healing oil, regularly included in blends for dry and mature skin. The oil's high carotol content gives it its skin-rejuvenative properties. It can be added to nearly any skin care blend to enhance its effectiveness. Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt recommends the following blend for "dull, pallid skin, lifeless and tired from environmental stress...It is based on the regenerating, stimulating qualities of Carrot Seed"- Carrot Seed oil: .5ml, Lemon Verbena: .5ml, Niaouli: .5ml, Rosemary Verbenone: .5ml, based in 50ml of Hazelnut oil. Carrot seed will also blend well with Helichrysum and Rosemary Verbenone with Rosehip Seed for skin healing. Further, carrot seed oil is said to balance both dry and oily complexions. Small amounts would go nicely in almost any skin care blend, and could be used alone in a neutral base cream.
Carrot seed is also said to rejuvenate the energy of the solar plexus, and to be relieving of fatigue. It is also regularly indicated as a digestive tonic.
Suggested uses: Use on the skin in a carrier, alone or included with other essential oils. Blend as a natural perfume. Recommended by some natural health professionals taken internally, one drop per day during liver cleansing.
Possible Actions: Traditionally has been used as a skin rejuvenator, liver and kidney detoxifier, and digestive tonic.
Possible Indications: Carrot seed oil may help with conditions of dry and mature skin, jaundice, hepatitis and other symptoms of a toxic liver.
Cautions: Always test a small amount of essential oil first for sensitivity or allergic reaction. If pregnant, use under a doctor's care.
Blends and Recipes: Carrot seed blends well with wood (e.g. Cedarwood, Sandalwood), citrus (e.g. Bergamot) and spice (e.g. Cardamom) oils.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Cardamom Essential Oils

Aromatherapy Uses:
antiseptic (pulmonary), antispasmodic (neuromuscular), aphrodisiac, anticatarrh, expectorant, anthelminthic, anti-infectious, antibacterial (variable), cephalic, cardiotonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, sialogogue, stomachic, stimulant tonic-nervous, digestive (stomachic, carminative)
Respiratory: eases coughs, congestion, bronchitis; chills, warms the body; aids all pulmonary infections.
Digestive: anorexia (MDR), colic, cramp, gas, halitosis, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting; aids nervous dyspepsia, dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal parasites.
Genito-Urinary/ Reproductive: aphrodisiac; induces menstruation however, used to ease pregnancy or travel nausea, PMS symptoms.
Nervous Brain/ Mind: mental fatigue, nervous strain warming, uplifting, refreshing, invigorating.
Emotional/Energetic: Associated with the earth element, it reminds of life’s true abundance when we feel deprived of opportunity or generosity. Creates an appetite for life.
Blends well with: black pepper, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, ginger, lime, pine, tea tree, vetiver, ylang ylang.
Safety Data: tested non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing; however possible irritation on sensitive and allergic skin; adverse reactions reported after ingestion, slight emmenagogue properties reported.
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